
Wow, Tonight We Got A Scare

July 06, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Tonight around 8pm, there was a full lift of the Bridge.  It was not just one freighter, but it was up for two.  The girls have been spending a great deal of time on the upper railing of the bridge watching pigeons.  Well tonight, when the bridge was up for such a long time, we were unable to spot the girls.  David Williams took a walk under the bridge and lo and behold he discovered one of the girls (we were unable to identify her) was enjoying a pigeon right on the roadway.  As the bridge started to descend, Mourad Jabra ran up the stairs and starting clapping and yelling.  Thank goodness it was enough to scare the bird off the road.  As we all drove out of the parking lot at around 9:15 pm, we all made sure that we drove over the pigeon hoping that it would be damaged enough to deter the juvie from trying to get at it again.  We’re not certain where the pigeon came from; perhaps it was the first kill for one of the girls.

Pretty scary.  First time we experienced something like this.