
!!! We Want Lunch!!

July 11, 2011 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Was just outside on lunch and both boys and mom were flying around with mom in the lead as usual.   Lots of diving and swooping by all.  Not sure if she’s giving them lessons or trying to outrun them as they chase and yell after her  :)

I have noticed that since Jupiter’s unfortunate accident, she has been taking them away from our towers alot more than in previous years  to several others over the other side of the subway tracks where she can teach them to hunt without risk of them colliding with the glass windows.   Several of my coworkers who reside over that way have also reported they’ve seen mom and the boys out there the past two weekends.

Both Hera and Skye are flying so well now that it’s difficult to distinguish them from the parents at times.