
!!! Truss and Milton getting anal about their airspace with a new family member!

June 29, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 29th - 2011
This morning I saw what looked like a food transfer between the two adults. I was far away and did not see any food but am pretty sure. A perched Truss walked over to Milton, who had just landed near by at a cache site, and then made a b-line to the nest. The two could be seen perched near the nest most of the AM.
The afternoon had two Turkey Vultures wander too close to the nest. Truss was with the chick when Milton took off after the TVs. Shortly after, Truss bolted out of the nest area screaming. One TV made a hasty exit but the one that Truss was chasing couldn’t get away fast enough for Truss’ liking and was attacked. Both TVs survived and Truss returned to the nest area for some preening.
