
The new parents are active!

June 28, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 28th - 2011
Today’s sunny weather did provide for more activity as both Truss and Milton were out and about near the nest site. Today was very windy and although I did get several good looks at the pair, sadly I did not witness any food entering the nest site. At one point, Truss left her perch (which was sheltered from the wind) then hit the full force of the wind as she flew West. She quickly decided to land, and the closest location was the nest. Once down, a lot of vocalization was heard, presumably the chick begging for food. Truss left the nest shortly after landing. Earlier in the day Milton was found near the roof on the East side of the building on an exit door to a narrow ledge several stories up. It was the kind of door you wouldn’t want to open from the inside if you were being chased; or for that matter if there was a Peregrine on the other side.
