
The kids are getting much better with their landing and flights!

July 08, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report for Friday July 8th 2011.

Once again the watch started off rather slowly with only one peregrine spotted as I arrived. Later a second peregrine flew into the area and once Maggie had joined me we had three juveniles on the TVO antenna. After a few false starts we had all three juveniles flying above the Rio-Can building. They circled well above the building and gave us a splendid exhibition of their *aerial progress*. They chased one another, two in particular with the third juvie keeping up the rear. They *played* tag and also attempted talon touching but were quite careful not to make contact. This must have gone on for a good twenty minutes.

Their flight is much stronger and a whole lot *smoother* than it has been. They are also flying noticeably faster at times and do go into a bit of a dive at times. It is encouraging to see them fly over the buildings, above any level where they might get into trouble with windows or walls so far. I am hoping that their early soft contacts with windows have taught them well and they will be careful of walls and windows.

I missed an early feeding this evening and did not see who made the drop. In fact I did not see any sign of the adults this evening. They were keeping a really low profile.

After their flying exhibition two juvies flew to the TVO antenna and sat for a bit and one juvie sat on the southwest corner of Rio-Can. A while later the two juvies, from the antenna, joined their brother on the south west ledge and there they all stayed for ten minutes. Then two of them flew northwest and beyond the building at 520. I left shortly after that.
