
The juveniles have accepted their new dad without a problem, and he’s doing a great job of being a foster parent!

July 03, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report for July 3rd 2011.
I was only out for just over an hour today during which time I saw the five peregrines. It was pretty warm out and there was not much activity from them.
When I arrived I found the female on the ledge below the nest on Canada Square. She then flew off with a pigeon, circled around and landed on the nest level ledge north of the wall. She plucked feathers furiously and then ate for 30 minutes. A while later the male flew in to the same ledge with a food package and I heard him give a call. It took a minute before one of the youngsters responded by flying in and tucking into the food. I think this was also a pigeon.
There was only one major flying event by a juvenile who flew to the top of the shorter condo tower. Attempting to perch on one of the vents on the roof was tricky but he managed it. Other than that nothing extraordinary took place.
When I left the mom was on the south face of Rio-Can. I think two of the juveniles may have been on the Rio-Can roof and the third one was on the Heart and Stroke east face roof.