
The juveniles are still all around!

July 04, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report July 4th 2011
When I arrived to look for the peregrines I found one youngster on the level below nest level, north of the wall on Canada Square. From subsequent activities and behaviours I chose to believe this was Chester! Later on a second juvie flew to the south west corner of Canada Square and then flew to the same level as his brother where he *picked at things* - mostly feathers!
Fifty-four minutes later the one I thought to be Chester began exercising his wings as he walked up and down the ledge. That done he took a long nap! He had a few more tiring exercise bouts resulting in naps before finally flying to the top of the chimney on the Bell building at 50 Eglinton east. As he landed there one of his brothers flew in and joined him.
The female flew onto the level Chester had left and also *picked at things*. A juvie joined her but she flew off with a feather in the talons. She returned moments later, deposited the feather and flew onto the Rio-Can building.
I did see three juveniles this evening; one was still on the Bell building and I found two on the TVO antenna. I saw the adult female. There was an occasion when two peregrines were seen way over near Redpath. I reckon one was definitely smaller than the other but who they were for sure I can’t say.
As I left the area I saw the adult male fly in from behind me, head around the east side of Canada Square, over the TVO building to land on the west side of it where he began plucking feathers from the bird in his talons. I walked across Yonge and a little east looking for any bird on the top of the Heart and Stroke building and found one. When I walked back, some 12 minutes later, to check on the male on top of the TVO building he was in the same spot, eating. I left at that point.
The peregrines are flying further afield and roosting in many different spots now. The two adults must have a job keeping an eye on them. However, I think they are still using the nest ledge, north of the wall, for occasional meals.