
The juveniles are really getting good.

July 10, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report for July 10 2011.
I had an early morning call at 5:35 a.m. which roused me from slumber. I listened, I heard and I rolled over and went back to sleep as this was only a hungry peregrine I felt sure! The *peregrine alarm* went off again at 9:45, 10:50 and 11:05 a.m. Then surprisingly there was silence for a very long time until after I went out at 5:10 p.m.

There was not a peregrine in sight for a while until two suddenly appeared on the TVO building; one on the antenna and one on the railing around it. There was slight activity when one flew off the railing and joined the other on the antenna and then they both flew from the antenna, did ONE talon touch and landed back whence they had come.

At 6:07 pm an adult landed on the top northwest corner of the tall condo building. I later determined this to be the mom. When the light was right her colour was quite evident.

For a long while I had only three peregrines in sight, however, at 6:34 I had four in sight, two on the TVO antenna, one on the condo and one on the southwest corner of Rio-Can. The one on Rio-Can flew from his perch, slightly north up Duplex, changed his mind and flew back to the southwest corner and overshot the landing!! Must have been Chester ! So he turned and flew north again, behind and then over Rio-Can and landed the on the second attempt, from a different angle. After some thought he flew again, north then south over Rio-Can, over Canada Square, past the two condo towers and made a perfect landing on the TVO antenna between his two brothers!!!

After a couple of short flights off and back to the antenna the three juveniles and their mom, on the condo, sat where they were for a half an hour! After that, one by one the juvies flew to Rio-Can, did a few turns over the top of that building and all then disappeared on the east side of the building. There was another rest from activity until finally the adult male put in an appearance. He must have had food because he suddenly had three squawking juvies chasing him as he flew to the roof on Canada Square and disappeared. Only one of the juvies followed him to the roof and of course ended up with the snack. So for that brief moment I had four peregrines in the air and mom (I checked) still atop the condo tower! Five peregrines again today! There was a little more activity, flying back and forth, before things quietened down again. I left at 8:30 pm and mom was still on the top of the condo catching the last of the sun`s rays. She had been sitting there for two hours and twenty minutes.
