
The juveniles are out of the house and on the loose!

July 02, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report, Saturday, July 2nd 2011.
I was rudely awoken this morning to the raucous demands of a hungry peregrine. I know the call so did not even get out of bed!
When I arrived to look for the birds this afternoon there was an adult on the TVO antenna and a juvie was eating on the north west corner of the TVO building. I also saw the female on the second ledge south of the nest on Canada Square. There was some activity from the peregrines but not a whole lot during my three hour stint.
Two juvies flew to the TVO building, one successfully aiming for the antenna and the other for the railing around it. He forgot to put on his brakes, landed on the railing and flew right off and landed on the roof. I saw him at the edge a few minutes later. The juveniles flew longer distances today and are maintaining their height although at times some of the landings were a bit dodgy but they made it! The long flights were made from the TVO antenna east around the two condo complexes and up onto the east face of Rio-Can. One long flight was up over the TVO building, over Canada Square, up Duplex to the antenna at 520.
At one point I had no birds in sight until I stretched my legs and found three of them on the antenna up Duplex at 520.
I saw all five peregrines today and I can no longer *suggest* that one or any other is Chester.
At 7:55 p.m. one of the juvies flew north up Duplex, turned around and came back over 411 and onto the top ledge of the Rio-Can building. He landed about midway along the ledge. At 7:57 he flew and I looked to see why and found two people on that ledge (it must be a proper balcony) at the north west end of it. They appeared startled so I really do not think they knew the juvie was there. They disappeared shortly after the juvie flew.
At 8:15 I had lost sight of all the peregrines so I left but did walk across Yonge Street and look back at the Heart and Stroke building. I spotted too peregrines, one on a window *ledge* and one right at the top.