
!!! Sunshine, Kate, Cinnamon in View

July 01, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:
This morning by 11:00 I had all five in view. Two juveniles on the lower east side of 130 Adelaide. One Juvenile on 150 York Street, one adult on the upper 120 Adelaide. Kate was on 150 York, Cinnamon and Sunshine were on the lower east side of 130 Adelaide. Swing stage for 130 Adelaide was lowered just below the upper roof line. Window washers out on the Hilton Hotel
Late this afternoon, again at 6:10 pm Rhea Mae on the upper railing of 120 Adelaide, Kate on 150 York St., Cinnamon on the lower east side of 130 Adelaide. 6:15pm Sunshine made an appearance on the east side of 120 Adelaide and Cinnamon took off and over to the Phoenix building. Kate had moved off the corner of 150 York Street and has moved to the inner south area of the same building sitting next the cooling tower railing of 150 York St.
I left after Cinnamon made his flight over to the Phoenix. Cinnamon is getting around, but haven’t seen him do any long flights as yet. He his taking his time getting around. Kate is taking her time, being a little cautious after her sidewalk adventure.