
!!! Serious training underway!

July 05, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report July 5th 2011
On my way from the bank to my observation spot on Duplex Ave. I spotted one juvenile atop the south eastern corner of Rio-Can and two juveniles in the air. The two in the air disappeared.
Fifteen minutes later one of the juveniles reappeared from behind one of the condo buildings, flew behind it then over it and headed north for a short distance. Then it turned west and *came straight at me*, wings tucked, in a stoop for a short while, pulled out of the stoop, opened his wings, turned south and did a perfect eight toed landing on the ledge north of, and just below, the nest ledge on Canada Square. I was very impressed.
There was some flying today, although I found it muggy it was cooler and judging by the flag on the 23rd floor balcony of the apartment building it was breezy up there. The juveniles proved that they are able to *kite* and did so, a number of times, over the Rio-Can building and Canada Square. Even the adults indulged in some exhibition flying.
Later on two of the juveniles indulged in a little more *kiting* and in the talon touching but without the actual contact. On one of these exercises of theirs a really dozy and unsuspecting gull flew from south to north up Duplex. The two juveniles saw this as a chance to have some sport and BOTH went after the gull who was startled out of its reverie and changed direction to west. The juvies were game and gave chase but really had little idea what to do except try and chase the bird. The gull was flying for dear life and was gone in a hurry leaving the juvies in mid-air with nothing to do. For a split second I thought they might even stop flying and come to earth. Fortunately they stayed aloft and flew to the Rio-Can building to perch.
Mom flew in from the south with food package. She flew over the south west corner of Rio-Can and *baited* the juvie who squawked madly as he became airborne and followed her ……. are you ready for this????…….. before taking the food from her in mid air!!!!! I watched it all through the binoculars and I can say, apart from the noise from the juvie, it was a perfect hand off!! He was higher than Rio-Can and turned and dropped onto the south west corner where he finally kept quiet!!! Obviously he was eating. I was very impressed!
Mom stooped the balcony below the nest ledge a few times before perching on the wall north of the nest. A few minutes later she flew to ledge south of the nest and spent an hour and half there. I left and she was still in the same spot.
Today I saw all five peregrines. The male was seen on the TVO antenna before he disappeared.