!!! Empty nest syndrome for many!!
July 15, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
CPF Postmaster Reports:
July 15th - 2011
Despite the fact that the ‘kids” are no longer utilizing the nest ledge much these days, the resident adults are still calling it home. If you can catch the camera and the nest ledge just at the right time , you will see one or both of the adults still on the nest ledge throughout the day and night. You just may even be able to catch the juveniles on the nest ledge via the camera. They are foxy and quick,, but still checking the nest ledge for food that mom and dad have left behind!
The fledglings are all over the place these days with many new reports of peregrines on their ledges, outside of their windows, but it’s difficult to get band numbers as they are moving around so much, and as two people have alrady told us - “by the time we realized what we were seeing, frozen in amazement, run for the camera phone and return, they had gone to another window ledge,, Damn” !!!!
One lady writes, “I’ve got to stop spending so much working, and more time watching”!! Oops, don’t tell by boss I said that!!!
Another fellow writes,, “Work is really making my peregrine watching difficult”! Can you get them to come back to the nest ledge so I can watch them on my computer when I’m working! I really miss watching the youngsters!! My days have become very boring again!
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