Courtney’s 36 days old as of today - Sunday July 17th
July 17, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse
CPF Postmaster Reports:
Sunday July 17th - 2011
7:30am to 9am
Courtney was visible for a half hour or so. First time I have seen her flapping her wings.Three times this morning.
Milton dropped down from his watch position and flew quite close to the ledge prompting Courtney to run flapping and calling 20 feet up the ledge, he returned in just a moment with food (from a cache around the other end of the building I presume) She was so aggressive he left that for her to feed herself and resumed a watch position.
There is a large male white pigeon that regularly coasts quite slow right over the adults and even sits on the top of the building within 50 or 60 feet of them. Truss gave chase for a short distance, then returned to sit on a lower ledge in the shade. I have observed this before with the same pigeon.
At 9am all was quiet with the heat building and sun about to shine on the nest ledge. I will check again this evening with my niece.
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