
All is well.

July 07, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

July 7th - 2011
During lunch Truss and Milton perched at opposite corners of the courthouse before Truss retuned to the nest.
In the late afternoon, Milton went off hunting and 20 minutes later returned with what looks like another young Starling. Upon return, Truss took the kill from him and flew off to another part of the roof to feed/pluck feathers from the kill for another ten minutes. The chick began vocalizing as soon as Milton returned but was kept waiting until mom was ready. Truss flew with the kill to the nest where both adult and chick were heard vocalizing. Truss was out of sight, presumably feeding the chick, for ten minutes before reappearing on the ledge where she cleaned her bill by rubbing it on the ledge. She flew off to a higher perch, leaving the kill in the nest area. Milton was circling the nest at this time and stayed on the wing past my departure.