
A quiet day, but still we’re watching.

July 01, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report for Friday, July 1st 2011. Happy Canada day everyone!
I went out late today and for simply ages there was not a peregrine to be seen. Sulking because I wasn’t out earlier??
I saw three young today; two who were really flying high, way over the tall condo tower and the little one which I think is Chester. I also saw mom taking someone for a flying lesson – could this have been young Chester being shown that he can fly higher than he has been? There was nothing out of the ordinary today.
One feeding took place on top of Canada Square and as far as I could see only one juvenile partook of the offerings. One was on the TVO antenna and one sitting on the Canada Square roof whilst the third one ate. Later on I had two juveniles on the Canada Square antenna, one juvenile and one adult on the TVO antenna. There was some flying around and switching of positions.
I saw a turkey vulture fly north to south. Actually it did not fly it simply glided! No effort involved really but for an occasional wing tip flip or flap.
Mom flew in late about 8:30 with food and sat on the NW corner of the TVO building. The little chap on that antenna flew in, squawking madly, was not really high enough and hit the roof top but flew away. Mom in the meantime started the feathers flying and Chester (I am sure it was him) flew in again and this time landed on the roof and tucked into the food parcel. Mom flew to the antenna on TVO.
After fifteen minutes the juvenile was still eating and mom was still perched on the antenna. I left at that point.