
Two have fledged!!

June 24, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square update June 23rd - 2011 - Day watch observations:
Bruce had a busy early morning ! He arrived just before 7:00 a.m. to find both fledglings on the Canada Square building. Sometime early this morning the first juvenile to fly must have found his way back up to the level below the *nest ledge*. A little later Luke flew from the ledge, on Canada Square, to the north Minto tower and landed on a balcony behind the glass barrier on the 32nd floor. Just when Bruce thought that young fledgling peregrine was trapped, he finally managed to jump onto the railing and eventually ended up one floor down, once again trapped behind the glass. His mom sat guard over him for ages and flew just before the second storm came in.
Bruce and I walked over to the Minto building to try and gain access to effect a rescue but were unable to at that point. After a couple more attempts, in between rain showers, I went home briefly and when I returned Bruce had gone to rescue Luke.
Canada Square kindly allowed us to put Luke in a secure, quiet and dark spot until he could be released back onto a ledge at the nest building.
The watch continued, between showers, over Buzz who was quite happy with his perch on Canada Square. We also kept an eye on Chester who is left on the nest ledge.
When the adult peregrines were not perched due to rain they flew a number of sorties, keeping tabs on the young and hunting. Buzz had been fed on the ledge he was on and was not inclined to move too much – so we thought!
He had been exercising his wings later in the afternoon and was right at the edge but always settled back and relaxed, except for the last time. He flew off the north face of Canada Square around to the west side and was doing well over the roof at which point the female had reached him and encouraged him to land on the roof, which he did. He had several flights, one of which was quite lengthy and actually took him as far south as the south Minto building where he flew gently into a window, fluttered down a couple of floors, recovered and with help and encouragement from mom actually flew back onto the south eastern end of the Canada Square building.

After losing a fair bit of height he made it all up in one flight, without a rest!!! Extra pairs of eyes, from a couple who are extremely interested in our birds, helped us keep tabs on who was where!! Thanks folks!
He eventually ended up on the Rio-Can building for the night. Mom was just below him on one of the window uprights.
Tracy was instrumental in releasing Luke back to the nest building but not without a few surprises. She took him to the lower balcony, one floor below the nest ledge on the Canada Square building, and had just stepped out when this vision came at her out of the dark! Mom had seen the activity on the balcony, probably remembered banding time, and just flew at Tracy who managed to get inside in the nick of time. On the second attempt Luke was released successfully without further incident. I will leave Tracy to fill in the gaps J
So final count was; Luke on the balcony waiting for morning light and Chester on the nest ledge both on Canada Square, Buzz on the top level and mom one below him on Rio-Can. I cannot remember where Tracy said the male was. All safe and accounted for and no-one injured after all their adventures!!