
!!! The three remaining fledglings are all back on the ledge!

June 23, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

A big thank you to Zoe who is one of the CPF fledge watch team members at the Toronto Sheraton for snapping a quick shot of the nest ledge this afternoon.

Beyond popular belief, even after the young fledgelings have taken their first flights and been able to hold their altitude, we all must remember that they are still solely dependant on their parents for both food and protection for the next 30 to 60 days while they are learning how to fly and being trained by their parents.

The nest ledge remains the only safe place that they know, and it offers protection to the fledglings from all of the dangers that they have yet to experience and learn about. The young fledglings will be returning to the nest ledge (as soon as they can get there on their own steam) most nights. Remember,, its still the only home that they know is safe.

This photo clearly demonstrates this fact, as we see all three of the surviving fledglings back “at home” waiting for their parents to serve diner.