
Still all good here so far

June 22, 2011 - Port Colborne - ADM Mill

Doug Garbutt Reports:

It’s hard to keep tabs on what’s going on here but today I was able to see all 4 falcons (2 young, 2 adults) at the same time, so I know 100%  for sure that both young ones are still alive & active. On my lunch break yesterday I thought I would go up to the 6th floor roof to  try & view the young from a spot below where they hang out. Mom did not like my presense & dive bombed me & came about 5 feet away so I promptly left the area. The adults are always watching the young & taking very good care of them. So far, so good. Let’s hope it continues as we have had bad luck here the last two years. I’ll try to get some pics for my next post.