
!!! NO FLEDGE, Film Crew, Blimp WHAT NEXT!

June 26, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

Still no new fledges. The watch continues. Yesterday and today we have had to do double observing as a film crew was on the roof of 130 Adelaide. The direct area where the adults sit and clean prey and where most of the fledglings land on their first flights. What on ordeal!  All day we monitored not only the peregrines, but the film crew. Every time, activity at the nest ledge, 4-5 people would appear at the roof line of 130 Adelaide and look and point towards the nest ledge. Tiago and Rhea Mae made numerous passes at these people. I spoke with one individual who I recognize from a previous encounter and told him, that it wasn’t necessary for individuals to be approaching the roof line for no other reason than to watch the birds activity. He had a cavalier attitude and I also told him that we are watching them.” We are here, to ensure that no one approaches the birds when they land on that building.”  Sunshine did land on north east corner, but they didn’t see her there. Later she landed on the south east corner of 130 Adelaide. The film crew did see that landing, but they did not approach. They did look my way knowing I was watching them as well.  To add to this mix, a blimp was elevated in the direct area to take photos. This got the adults vocalizing and circling around the red and white balloon. I have posted a photo of this.

 This was not connected to the filming, but apparently related to the same property management associated with the roof top activity.  Sunshine continues to do very well, appearing at the nest ledge for meals.  She seems to dominate the food distribution, along with Kate. Leaving table scraps for little Cinnamon. Kate and Cinnamon enjoy a few episodes of flapping and ruuning of the ledge, testing their wings. Tonight Kate and Cinnamon huddled under the camera around 9:00p.m. Sunshine returned to the ledge and then took off towards the north west area of the hotel.

 A very stressful day for both the peregrines and the watchers.