
!!! Much Appreciation, Heartfelt Thanks

June 24, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

GREAT BIG THANKS, and much appreciation to the Staff of The Keg, on York St. Toronto, and Thomas Chesterfield, Corporate Concierge of Oxford Properties at 120 Adelaide St, Toronto, for their unending persistence to find help for our young male Peregrine Falcon, Cinnamon.

Cinnamon in attempt to take yet another flight brushed a building and came to the sidewalk outside the Keg Restaurant on York St at Lunch time.  Keg Staff pulled into action and had the fledgling placed in a box and secured the area, so it would not come to harm, from foot traffic or vehicles.  Thomas Chesterfield made numerous calls to different Toronto agencies, before he reached us. I was immediately dispatched to the site and found Cinnamon, safe , secure with no injuries.

He was later returned to the nest ledge, to give him a second chance of making a successful flight.

Can’t say how thankful we are for their assistance to help this member of  a Species At Risk. It is most rewarding that in a large city such as Toronto, there are people that  do care about the wildlife that resides along side the huge glass towers that dot Toronto’s skyline.

Please if you are visiting Toronto, please drop by the Keg on York st, have meal and say thank-you to the following Keg Staff;

Cassandra, Sabrina, Sheena, Jordan, Heather, Agnes, Aja, Elizabeth and to Kelly McGoey, Lunch Manager for allowing her staff to go beyond their regular duties.

With Much Appreciation;

Linda Woods, Zoe, Annie, Harry, Paul, Vanessa, Mark Nash, Marion Nash, and the Rochester New York Falcon Crew