
Milton controls all of the air space!

June 21, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 21st - 2011
Tuesday brought little action. Truss was seen removing food from the nest site while Milton looked on. Most of the time I spent on site today had Milton watching/guarding the nest from his usual ledge. When Truss was present, she also seemed content to perch near the nest as well. Perhaps the most interesting moment was when a Great Blue Heron was flying low on a direct path over the nest when it noticed Milton and instantaneously made a 90 degree turn Southwest. Unlike the pair at Etobicoke General Hospital, Milton and Truss have not shown the same level of aggression towards other intruders. Gulls, Pigeons and Starlings all seem to fly very close to the nest without many regrets.