
!!! Lots of activity today. Looks like there may be a hatch!

June 20, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Spent almost 2 hours watching today and Milton & Truss continue to bring food to the nest and keep it there for several minutes. Of the three trips I witnessed today, twice the visits were 10 minutes long and another was 6 minutes. There is a lot of soft vocalization when the food is present at the nest site. Normally, when the adults are eating away from the nest, they do not vocalize. This could signal chicks?!
Milton and Truss were very active hunters today; both returning from trips with meals. Truss was especially active today, heading Northwest to attack a flock of pigeons a few kilometres away. I could only make out the action through the lens; she bombed a Turkey Vulture who was too close to the action. Once she returned to the courthouse, she immediately began looking for targets and soon she took off again; returning with what looks like a Starling.
