
Let The Games Begin

June 24, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I arrived at the bridge shortly after 6pm.  Rick and Teresa were there and they informed us that the girls had been playing.  Immediately, upon our arrival, the games continued.  They are pretty funny girls to watch, as you can’t see one without the other.  One flies to the bridge the other is right behind her.  One flies to the Skyway, the other follows.  They are definitely best buds until it comes to food.  At one point, both girls landed on the roof of the control tower.  Lady Lamont sat on the railing and Lady Nelson was missing for some time.  All of a sudden she (Lady Nelson) jumped up to the railing where her sister was and she was soaking wet.  She had been taking a bath in the puddles on the roof of the tower.  She continued to sit on the railing for a while to dry out.  She finally gave into the coaxing of Lady Lamont and took to the air.  They were diving on the pigeons on the ground, on the bridge and in the air.  Quite a spectacle to watch.  My heart was in my mouth on several occasions as they darted in and out of the bridge, sometimes at a very low level.  I kept praying that a truck wouldn’t come along and sweep them away.

Mom made a very brief appearance, which caused a lot of screaming.  Dad was nowhere to be found.

Come On Lazy Bones Let's Play Lady Nelson Takes A Bath Can't See One Without the Other At It Again