
!!! Lady Gaga fledged

June 23, 2011 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

As Dennis was getting ready to be interviewed by CBC Radio we got a call that Lady Gaga had fledged and was in a fenced in area just walking around. When we got there she was looking tired. Thanks to Bess who witnessed it, Collette and Smurf who kept walking around the fence outside to make sure she was safe. Around 4 P.M. Dennis went inside the fence with a pet carrier and she just walked in it. Then we put her in the shade with a towel over it and spritxed her a few times which she seemed to really enjoy. Around 9 P.M. Kim from the Bridge company came by with a lift to put Dennis and Lady Gaga on the roof of the building across the street. He checked the roof first to make sure there were no animals of any kind up there. We left the site around 10:30 P.M. At 12:30 P.M. we were anxious whether or not she was still on the roof so we drove back there again and sure enough she was on the corner looking very good. Spitfire was standing on the nest box looking around. This morning when we got there she was still on the roof, the Blue Jays were very noisy around the area. Voltaire came in with food for Lady Gaga at 7:20 A.M. Both Lady Gaga and Spitfire were fed will we were there. Last evening we had lots of rain. This morning showers at times. We will keep you updated on these beautiful Peregrines. Also, Dennis has lots of pictures he will be posting soon.
Gwen & Dennis
Site Co-ordinators for CPF