
!!! June 21st & June 22nd - still all on the nest ledge!

June 22, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Report for June 21st & June 22nd - Canada Square.

I did not make any notes yesterday but spent about three hours watching the Peregrines. They eyases spent time on the edge exercising their wings and hoping for food. The adult pair only fed the young later in the watch. We saw the male take a small bird over Eglinton Ave right at Duplex. I think it may have been a sparrow but I am not sure. The little bird was minding it’s own business as I spotted it when the male peregrine came swooping in and caught it.

Today there was not a lot of activity from the eyases. They spent some of the time just sitting on the edge with the occasional bit of wing exercise. The mother swooped down the Yonge street side of the Canada Square Building and two minutes later came back with a large bird which I think was a pigeon. She tried unsuccessfully to climb long the western side of Canada Square but eventually did make it to the rooftop of the black building over the bus station. There she proceeded to pluck the bird and for many minutes feathers rained down the side of the building. The male had followed her and perched on the roof not too far from her but he eventually flew off over the Police Station.
Bruce saw him make an attempt on a pigeon just up Duplex Ave. He apparently did tag the pigeon but did not make the catch. He flew back to Canada Square and sat on the top of one of the *walls* south of the nest. He remained there the whole time the female plucked the bird she had caught and then ate. When she had finished she *buzzed* the nest and flew across Eglinton to the Rio-can building where she perched. Two minutes later the male flew to where the remains of the pigeon were and he ate well.
He then picked up what was left flew a circle before flying to the north end of Canada Square building and out of sight. The female followed him. Shortly thereafter one of the Peregrines flew into the nest ledge and dropped the leftovers for the young and flew out again to settle on one of the walls south of the nest ledge.
The weather began closing in and we left the two adults on the edge of the black building where the female had plucked the pigeon. The eyases were bedded down but as we moved off one popped up.
The oldest eyas is now 41 days and has proved me wrong about being ready to fledge!! We still have three youngsters on the ledge at Canada Square. Bruce assures me that one and maybe two will fledge by Sunday. I just hope the two oldest do not fly at the same time!!
We can still see some of the baby down on the youngest, although his adult feathers and colours are beginning to show. At the moment he is noticeably smaller than his older brothers.
