
!!! It is likely that Kate has finally fledged

June 20, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Harry Crawford Reports:

I arrived on scene (City Hall) at 7:30am.  Cinnamon and Sunshine
were were they were when Linda left last night.  Kate was still on
the nest ledge but William was not on the lower Sheraton building.
I was concerned that Kate might take flight so I stayed at the front
of 120 Adelaide.  Good thing - William appeared later on the west
side of the ‘Phoenix’ building.  All four juveniles were seen by

Zoe arrived shortly after.  She remained watching William and Kate
and I took up watching Cinnamon and Sunshine from ‘the rocks’ on
York St.  William quickly moved around to the south side of the
building and eventually up to the roof (we think).  We tried to view
from all angles from the street to no avail so I went up to 43.  The
view from the men’s washroom doesn’t cover the whole ‘Phoenix’
building.  The view should be better from the women’s washroom - no
I didn’t!

While I was up there, Sunshine took a pass at Cinnamon, likely to
get him to fly.  He eventually tried to get back to the roof above
him from the top of the pillar, missed the landing and took off over
to the Bell building, landing on the east-west segment between the
north and south buildings.  I came down and met up with Zoe who was
watching a juvenile peregrine on the penthouse of the north Bell
building.  This was a big bird!  This had to be Kate.  So when I
left before lunch, we probably had Sunshine, sleeping on the north
west corner of 130 Adelaide, William somewhere on the ‘Phoenix’
building and Kate and Cinnamon somewhere on the Bell complex.

This is going to be one complicated afternoon and evening.  Good
luck Zoe, Annie and Linda.

5pm update.  There are now two juveniles on the nest ledge.  Kate may not have fledged after all.  Stay tuned to Linda’s update this evening!