
!!! Fledge, Fledge Fledge!!!!

June 24, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

Canada Square report Thursday June 23rd 2011.
I arrived today and Bruce came in shortly thereafter. One youngster was on the ledge directly below the nest ledge, just sitting. The male was on the top of the third wall south of the nest and there was no sign of anyone else UNTIL we saw a fledgling on the NE corner of the cinema building (black building). We had one FLEDGLING and one *LEDGLING*. Not for long.
The first bird to fly took off over that black building towards Yonge Street and with that Bruce also took off. He had the youngster in sight for quite some time until it flew between the two Rio-Can buildings. Bruce came back to *base camp* to catch his breath. The adults were flying in different directions at times and the female did land on the nest ledge. That is when I saw the youngest flap his wings.

After a short respite Bruce saw juvenile number two fly onto the same cinema building but down the Duplex Ave side and towards the South end of the building. In between short, sharp, showers we watched number two make his way up to the north end of the building. He walked along the northern ledge a couple of times. The weather cleared and Bruce went looking for juvenile number one.

Juvenile number two thought this an opportune moment to fly from the north end of the cinema building to the south and he accomplished this very well. However, on reaching the south end and applying the brakes his momentum carried him over the edge and there was nothing under him. He recovered very well and kept flapping and flew over Duplex, over some of the trees and homes, behind the Police Station, over Eglinton and the Bell building and Hydro building. He kept going east, over Duplex again, and right onto a fifteenth floor balcony of the apartment building. I called Bruce and as I did so the peregrine and Bruce materialised at the same time. The juvenile had jumped back onto the railing of the balcony. Both the adults had flown to Duplex Avenue when the juvenile disappeared there. They flew off. However shortly after that the female flew back and perched atop the antenna on the hydro building. She stayed there until number two flew again, over the building at the corner of Duplex and Eglinton, gained height and got himself back onto the ledge below the nest ledge on Canada Square!! He stayed put, thank goodness. Did not quite make it to the same spot from which he had left hours earlier, but back to the same height!!

Number one was found when he flew - gently – into the south face of Rio-Can about four floors up. He fluttered down a floor and flew back around the corner to the east side of that building. We think he is between the two towers on the low roof above the mall.
This all took place over a period of five and a half hours and for most of that time Bruce was on his feet keeping an eye on, or looking for, number one.

Bruce thinks I am to blame for this activity today, because he claims that yesterday I said *I just hope we don’t have two fledge at once*. I, of course, deny all knowledge of that conversation :-)
More to come… stay tuned…….