
Energetic Chicks at Etobicoke Sun Life Centre

June 13, 2011 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Tracy Simpson Reports:

Frank and I were on-site for the fledge watch at the Sun Life Centre and were treated to a bouncy bunch of juveniles with Angel keeping watch from her favorite position on the retaining wall above.  By 3:25pm, Jack had arrived and was making some nice flights around the buildings which of course encourage a chorus of screams from Jupiter, Hera and Skye.  We were joined shortly thereafter by Kathy and Baylie at our Eagle Rd. and Bloor post just in time to enjoy the entire family at the nest ledge.  By 6:20pm, Jack brought in a small package of food and abandoned it on the ledge for the chicks to consume.  While one chick was eager and took its fill, Angel decided that her young still required a mother’s touch and flew in to feed the other two “by hand”.  After feeding time, fledge watchers Rob and Angie arrived and we were all treated to the entire family present on the nest together for a calm and quiet 20 minutes!!  Angel positioned herself on the camera, Jack was on the slanted window just below and the three juveniles were spread down the ledge.  Each young in turn tried to emulate their father by turning, one by one, to face into the ledge and roost on the edge, just like Dad!!  It was a wonderful family moment that ended with the juveniles acting like a bunch of jack rabbits all over the ledge!  At one stage Skye, our biggest instigator, was attempting to nibble on Hera’s toes and got his head pounced on as a result!!!  An evening of fun until at last Angel decided to put the kids to bed at 8:27pm with a snack and a bit of herding into the back of the ledge.  Frank and I will be back tomorrow to continue the watch as I am sure that we will have ”lift off” any moment now!!