
!!! Confirmed hatch!! One hatchling observed!

June 24, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

Mark Nash Reports:

!!!Confirmed hatch!! One hatchling observed!
June 23, 2011 - Brampton - Courthouse

Mark Nash Reports:
We have some great news to report today, in that we have been able to confirm that at least one egg at the Brampton courthouse has hatched! I was able to put Tracy from the CPF and Mark Heaton from the OMNR together today in an effort to make contact with the property manager from the Brampton Courthouse.
Both Tracy and Mark were able to meet late this afternoon in a unscheduled meeting at the Brampton Courthouse and able to speak with the property manager so that we could do a visual observation of the nest ledge to confirm the observations that we have been getting from Winston who has been diligently attending the site almost daily to provide us with observations reports of the happenings going on a the Brampton Courthouse nest site.

At around the 18th of June, the resident adults behaviour changed dramatically indicating that incubation had finished and brooding activity had started. While there was some gaps in the observations from June 15th to June 19th , the observation report filed on June 18th told a story of brooding activity as opposed to incubation activity and we knew that a hatch had happened.
The photos taken today - (June 23rd) of the single hatchling does gives us a hint of the age of the chick putting it at approx 8 to 13 days old as of June 23rd.

We are in the process of trying to work out banding possibilities with the property manager, the district office of the ministry of Natural resources and the Ministers office. In addition, we are looking into a dark window film covering that might be installed for the window that lies directly behind the nest ledge, as any human activity from this office window at this time can cause a huge stresses on the resident adult female and there is a risk of her killing or abandoning the nest site and the hatchling.

The property manager seems very eager, supportive and accommodating and equally excited about their peregrines.
Stay tuned……..