

June 25, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

Ground Hog Day continues, I swear we have cling-ons. I checked the ages I have for banding day on May 24th, Kate was estimated to be 23 Days of age on that date, which makes her approximately 54 days old today!!! give or take a day or two. What is she waiting for… foreclosure?  Adults were not very active in the area this afternoon,evening. Could it be the film crew activity on the roof area across the street. Maybe, but the activity level from Kate and Cinnamon has not changed much. Still testing their wings, some running of the ledge, not a lot of vocalisingfrom Kate and Cinnamon. Food drops were made,small portions. Cinnamon is not getting much, Kate and Sunshine grabbing most of it.  Sunshine continues to spend much of her time away from the area, it appears south of King St. Perhaps BCE Place, both Rhea Mae and Tiago seem to head off in that area.

Watch Continues.