
Cinnamon and Kate Still At Home

June 23, 2011 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

Sunshine is showing some spectacular flying skills again today. Another mid-air food exchange was witnessed directly in front of the Sheraton. Late afternoon, just before the heavy rain hit downtown Toronto, Sunshine was sitting on the”C” of the Sheraton signage. When the heavy rain hit, Sunshine was stranded and toughed it out in the pouring rain. After the rain, she recomposed herself and flew off the the centre roof of 130 Adelaide St. That was pretty much the highlight of activity for the afternoon and evening. Food is being dropped to Kate and Cinnamon and both are diving in when it arrives. A food drop was made around 8p.m. and the adult flew off and headed south, spent a little time on 130 Adelaide and then disappeared. I did another ledge check and a food package was delivered. Cinnamon and Kate paid little attention to it.They were more interested in looking outward towards the south. A last ledge check before closing the watch for the night, both Kate and Cinnamon were tucked under the camera. One bird was seen on the north signage of KPMG building, not sure if it was an adult or Sunshine, low light I couldn’t really tell.