
Catch-up in older observations.

June 14, 2011 - Toronto - Canada Square Building - Yonge and Eglinton

CPF Postmaster Reports:

June 14th - 2011I watched the peregrines this evening for about two hours.
The mother flew off at one point and a few minutes later flew back to the Rio-Can south face, landed on one of the window ledges and then flew to the level directly below the nest level but on the north face. She ate there and although she was joined by the male she did not share with him. Once she had satisfied her hunger she picked up the remains and flew onto the nest ledge where she fed all three youngsters. She took about 25 minutes to do so and then left. The youngest of the three was right there demanding his share of the pigeon. He is an aggressive little youngster but being the youngest I guess he has to be.
After the mother left the ledge there was some flying back and about by both adults until the male flew south of the condos and disappeared from view.
Some long minutes later he returned with what looked like a European starling. He landed on the south face of the Rio-Can building and then flew to roof on the west face where he plucked and ate his fill. Then came the surprise. He flew to the nest ledge with remnants of the carcase in his talons and hobbled to the widow side of the ledge (out of my view). I have no idea whether he fed the youngsters, himself, or just left what he had brought to ledge. After some minutes the female flew to the Rio-Can south face. A few minutes after that the male left the ledge and flew to the southwest corner where he spent time cleaning his feet and his beak. Then he flew to the Rio-Can building south face. One of the youngsters was up again near edge of the ledge and that is how I left them.
I don’t know if anyone has seen the male take food onto the nest ledge before but this is a first time for me.