
A Mother’s Bliss at Canada Square

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Tracy Simpson Reports:

I was at the Canada Square Building site today in the hopes of seeing whether all three eggs have hatched as of yet.  If it were at all possible, our resident mother falcon would have had a “Do Not Disturb” sign hung on the outside of the ledge as she enjoyed a deep sleep with her precious young tucked beneath her.  In the 2 hours that I was there, she didn’t raise up once and allow me to see what she has hidden beneath her feathers but I was able to confirm two little white rear ends sticking out from underneath Mom.  On a cold and damp day such as today, I can’t blame the chicks for snuggling into the female parent as tightly as space would allow.  I will be back on-site on Thursday as the temperature will be warmer and the skies a little sunnier which should allow me to confirm whether all three have indeed hatched.  Once again, a huge congratulations to the floks at the Canada Square Building and an equally enormous thank you to Neil Armstrong and the staff at Northern Realty Advisors Ltd. for being such incredible hosts of this pair of falcons!!

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