
Tons of Talon to Talon Action!!!

June 19, 2010 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

The youngsters tonight were engaging each other in locked talon swing arounds. The wind was right so we had some excellant aerial displays. 30 or 40 feet over head and all around JUST above tree top
I want to say thank you to our watch team whom without I can honestly say this report would be shy a couple of Falcons.
The displays are great late afternoon and evening. Several talon to talon aerial hand offs of food. You can see the youngsters grow in maturity and confidence every day. Voltaire the female really layed down the law tonight and clamped down on the no fly zone. She climbed several times right past a gull and stooped and chased and drove the gull off. Thank you to all the volunteers who came to meet under the Bridge where this first started 3 Years ago. I have many pictures to post and I will try to do so.
I have to post from my shop to send some other photos from some guests. You’ll enjoy them I’m sure.
This link will help with some shots on Jerry’s site site.
When I was worried about whether I was on the numbers with the birth date of the first hatch Jerry came down and did some facial shots that we could compare with some facial aging guides and put my mind at ease. Special thanks from the watch team Jerry thank you again for your help.
Dennis Patrick
Windsor Watch Team

Voltaire flying in. Voltaire lands on the ledge. Lancer fly's in. Lancer grabs food package. Voltaire fly's off. My Hayabusa