
Randy Holland Guest Photographer, Reports.

June 21, 2010 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

Hi Dennis, yes, I did make it Saturday for a few hours, but never took any photos that excited me. Sunday morning I went from 6:30 am until 8am. No keeper photos, but I was impressed at the youngsters , as they appeared to be hunting on their own. They were aggressively chasing pigeons and starlings. It was quite a sight. Then about 7:30 they seemed to disappear. There was only one adult and one juvenile in the area when I left.

I will send you any photos I get.
I appreciate the link and Carol Ann has already linked the foundation to our site. Thanks again

Randy Holland

Special Thanks to Randy Holland for coming to the Bridge with his camera gear and we appreciate Randy’s candid input on the progress of the youngsters as he observed them.

Dennis Patrick