
No Fly Zone

June 18, 2010 - All Reports

Frank Butson Reports:

Once again our 3 boys stayed put on the ledge without flying. Several times they clung perilously to the edge of the ledge,flapping,but just couldnt committ to that last step and leave go.  Mom turned the area into a no fly zone,keeping the airspace clear for take-off. Over the course of the afternoon,she took a serious run grabbing a Ring-billed Gull before letting go,diving at and hitting at least 4 times a passing Turkey Vulture and most amazingly,a Great Blue Heron was seen passing by,by Ian,Marion and I,only to be attacked by Angel. When she got close the Great Blue Heron realized it was in trouble and went into a quick,steep dive itself,hit once by Angel over the intersection of Aberfoyle and Bloor. The Great Blue Heron resembled a “lawn dart” as it dove. None of us had ever seen such a dive!  Kathy,Marion and I left around 830pm,after a feeding took place after 8pm,repeating the fledge watchers lament..tomorrow for sure they fly!  With bad weather coming,we may be speaking those words again Saturday night?