
!!! Interesting Avian Behaviour, yet frustrating

June 01, 2010 - Toronto - Mount Sinai Hospital

Linda Woods Reports:

Years of observation of urban peregrines and every year we learn new and interesting things about the city Peregrine falcons.  Earlier last month behaviour indicated that incubation of eggs had begun, although we were at a disadvantage of not having a clear view of the nest itself. 

 Thanks to an early morning,a  power scope,  a clear sunny day,a lot of patience, and just the right amount of coffee to steady the hands, four eggs were clearly seen as the adult moved off the nest area.  Nesting behaviour continued, but the expected hatch date has past by two weeks.  I was seeing the male continuously incubate the eggs, while the female was seen lying down in an adjacent ledge. That ledge was scoped but no eggs were there.

Latest observation have the pair on site and frequenting the east ledges, but it appears the eggs that I have been watching have been abandoned.  The peregrines are still showing nesting behaviour in and around these east ledges.

 I suspect that a second clutch of eggs have been laid and the peregrines have restarted the incubation clock. Monitoring will continue to find where, if any eggs were laid in a new nest bowl.

As I watch and observe, I am approached by a lot of long time bird of prey fans who enquire as to their status in the neighbourhood. Especially the folks from Queen’s Park.

They tell me stories how they see these wonderful birds sit on adjoining buildings and watch them hunt. Lots of interest in their success in nesting in this area.

Any obsevations would be greatly appreciated.  Take note, we also have a pair of Redtail Hawks that fly through the area of College and Universtiy. I usually see them around the noon hour, floating over Queen’s Park as well.

A few times I have seen the peregrines take off to move the Redtails out of the area, but the encounter has been out of my line of sight.

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