
!!! There should be a hatch?

April 30, 2010 - Niagara Falls

CPF Postmaster Reports:

As best as we can guess from the dates and time lines based on the reports that we received from our good friends at the DEC out of Buffalo New York, there should have a hatch by now. While it was confirmed that the peregrines are in fact nesting at the decommissioned Ontario Power Station facility in the Niagara gorge, the small opening in the wall face where the peregrines have been nesting, makes it only visible from the US side, and it requires very strong magnification to see across the gorge to the wall face of the old OPG plant to see the nest opening. We can only hope that we get additional observation reports of food being taken into the nest by the adults that would confirm that there has been a hatch. The old OPG plant has long since been turned over to the Niagara Parks Commission who have yet to do anything with the old facility.