
!!! More Questions than Answers!

May 04, 2010 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Kathy Reports:

Just when I was all confident that I was on the right track , I find now that I am more confused than ever.  Last report had Jack here constantly and a lot of activity however the only food I saw go to the ledge was taken by Angel immediately and she flew off with it…or perhaps I was mistaken ?

Sunday I was her for 2.5 hours and did catch a shift change however Angel only went to the webcam and didn’t leave the ledge due to the rain.  Yesterday and today I have seen Jack sporadically unlike Friday through Sunday when he was here for hours.  I haven’t seen him taking food to the ledge at all but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t as I am not able to monitor for long periods of time during the week so I may just be missing him. 

That being said, last night and this morning when I looked up to the nestbox I saw nothing..not a tail feather sticking out nor a wing and yet both times after a few minutes he flew out of the nestbox, vocalized to who I am assuming was Angel in the nestbox and off he went.  What was he doing in the nestbox with her?  Checking to see if he had any hatches?  Visiting with hidden eyases, bringing them food?  Just how deep is that nestbox?! 

I can see quite clearly her tail feathers and the tips of both wings from the ground this morning so she is sitting high up again as she has the past few days.  Perhaps given that he’s running two site, they are being more protective and secretive than normal not to attract unwanted attention.   She has a pretty solid history of hatching out her chicks 30 days from the start of incubation however everything has been so different here the past year and without the cam for backup - I am in the dark so to speak!

I will keep watching a few more days and if nothing becomes overtly obvious, we will attempt to make another trip to a nearby rooftop to confirm or deny the presence of chicks.