
House Cleaning & Vigulant

July 02, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

Junior has been resting and we hope for x-rays to be done.

I know we are not supposed to make assumptions only report but it sure seems like Voltaire and Freddie are still chut-chut-chutting looking for junior.

Freddie has been seen just sitting on the nest ledge looking around and calling. The cooler weather has brought on some great flying displays. Fast stooping and swooping. Just beautiful. It appears exactly as we had thought all along Voltaire and Freddie have no intentions of going anywhere and haven’t budged from the abutment.

Very vocal up in the beams and on the pipe they love to roost on. Some of the ruckus sounds like when it was feeding time for junior but no Junior.

Voltaire has been doing rigorous cleaning and moving around on the nest for extended periods of time.

Both are really displaying dominance over this nesting site, with no intention of giving ground to any vagrant peregrines.

The evening displays especially when the wind has a Northern element to it are dazzling.

The pair are managing and maintaining the nest ledge very actively.

We wait anxiously on Juniors health.