

June 13, 2009 - Windsor - Ambassador Bridge

Dennis Patrick Reports:

Our little male joined the first air born!!!
Sorry Lou, if you sent me an email I had you send it to my work email so I have to wing this. Thanks for the hot dogs too. Lou was first on the scene this morning and found our little male had made his first flight and ended up on an apartment roof two buildings south west of the nest ledge. When we arrived there was some wide eyed hystaria oh and the birds were pretty noisy too!!!
So we basically watched the little fella run around get fed numerous times and then this evening he took a shot at flight again. He headed for the Ledge but only made it half way up the abutment. He tried to bat out but lost his grip on the cement wall and dropped off the wall and flewBack across University and landed on the cross beam on the bridge. The parents seemed relieved that he was off the roof and so were we.
Our female youngster is still behind and pretty lethargic but not a point to worry.
I was amazed at the speed at which both parents were at the males side the instant the little guy was under way. Freddie and Voltaire are superb parents. I am waiting for some more shots to come in but these will get you started.
Dennis and Gwenster and the whole “Falcon Crazy Team”