
Watch day 7

June 13, 2009 - Ottawa - Delta Ottawa City Centre

CPF Volunteer Reports:

One little chicklet seems to be gaining courage as time goes on.  It has been seen often right out on the end of the ledge.  There has been wing-flapping and more movement along the ledge.  In fact, Diana was seen to bring food to the northern end.  No one could see who was there to receive it, so it could be both, or just our little adventurer.   I will feel better once we get to see both chicklets up on the ledge at the same time.  For now, we have to be content with hearing both voices.

Maybe Sunday will be the day to see both.  At any rate, it certainly will be a day for more sightings of our intrepid chicklet who seems to be determined to master its wings.
cheers, Eve

Eve Ticknor