
Very Quiet on the home front. All is well.

June 11, 2009 - Etobicoke - Sun Life Centre

Mark Nash Reports:

By 8:50 PM it was quite dark and overcast and still raining off and on.  The three juveniles were all bedded down and very quiet so by 9:00 pm I decided to call it a night.  Perry was laying down on the nest building on a south facing ledge where dad usually hides out and McKenzie was still on the nest ledge bedded down beside the nest tray.  Alena was still on the upper roof area soaking wet and really annoyed with life.  She flapped constantly through the entire time that it rained, but with no intention to go anywhere, it was just to shake off all of the water.  Mom was on the camera housing and it seemed that no one was going anywhere.  Lets hope that Alena can get back to the nest ledge on her own.  It is at this point that we can actually say that she has been able to keep and actually hold her altitude.   It is also a huge confidence builder for the fledglings when they get back to their nest ledge.  Tomorrow, Stay tuned…………..