
!!! Two Juveniles in view

June 23, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

Late this afternoon, a Quick visit to the upper elevations to restart the camera and check the nest area. Three peregrines are in my line of sight.   Two on the nest ledge, Stormin  with the blue band, Rhea Mae and one other over on the east side of the Hilton.

Stormin sat there for a while and then approached Rhea Mae sitting on the nest tray. Lots of screaming  and head tilting from Stormin, demanding food. Rhea Mae moved away from Stormin and left the ledge from the east side. Stormin was still on the nest ledge when I left.

The other juvenile who appeared larger and unidentified remained on the east side of the Hilton, during my brief visit.