
Two out flying, two remain in the area

June 16, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

This morning, all four juvies were in view. Osler is testing his wings and venturing higher, fast and further . Last night’s flight on the north side of Bank of Montreal was wonderful to see, as the adults joined in to encourage him.  Liberty remained  on the ledge until this  09:15 morning. Sandy Links, moved from the east side of York St. to the north facing of Starbucks, and Stormin was on Lombard Place.

Unfortunately, once all juvies are out flying, sometimes it doesn’t take much to loose track of them.

 As of this evening, only Liberty and one other juvnile ( can’t confim I.D.) are accounted. Hopefully, they’ll all reappear in the morning.