
The Morning of Saturday 20th June 2009 time 6-am - 11 am

June 20, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

An early morning Report from Paul Reynolds.  Thanks so much Paul for the great update.

Hi Sue,

As promised, my report for this morning. 


I arrived just after 6:00 am.  Scanning the nest ledge I spied only one chick Maple was still at home. So I started to check out the bridge structures for Truss and at that moment Mum appeared on the wires.  She left the wires in hot pursuit through the bridge structure going towards Burlington after five or six pigeons and she returned with 1, climbing to the wires.  It was then that I heard Truss calling and I found her on the roof of the light house.  After a short while she flew to the hand rail on the bridge. At this time the bridge sounded for a lift as the Hamilton Energy Boat was on its way in. I was pleased that Truss took the easy way up this time, when the bridge reached the top she flew over to the other side of the bridge landing on the bridge structure under the hand rail.  Mum joined her but on the hand rail above her. Truss then flew the short distance to the wires. The bridge descended leaving mum and daughter on the wires.  All this time mum didn’t let go of the pigeon. Truss was coaxed off the wire and did a circuit landing on the roof of the south tower; mum went to the hydro tower. Sir dad came in from Hamilton with a small package and delivered it to Maple then stayed. After a while mum left the tower and Truss followed her to the north tower settling on the first pick-nick table, they both sat for a short time then Truss decided to go south again With mum and dad joining her on either side.  She landed on the lake side cable arm but didn’t stay long, going north again she landed on the wires were she spent the night two nights ago.  All the time I observed mum she carried that pigeon.  For 45 minutes she carried it, enticing the young ones to fly.


It was a real joy to watch them this morning.


I think I got it about right Sue.


See you and Bill later.