
!!! Stormin Reappears!!!

June 10, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

Stinker been in the area the entire time.  Yesterday I had reported that the adults had been running off gulls in the area of York and Richmond in the vicinity of the Four Seasons Performing Arts Centre.

Today,Late thisafternoon, while watching the nest ledge. A juvenile came  across the court yard across from the hotel, not 30 feet over my head. It was being persued by a gull. The juvenile did not look stressed by the chase. At first I had thought it was a new fledge since Stormin had not been seen for over a day.  It flew low between the gap in the buildings towards Adelaide St.  and I lost sight of it.  Lily, Bruce and Paul joined the search, thinking we had a new fledge.  Paul found it in the court yard terrace of 150 York St.  and confirmed that it was Stormin.  It took flight from there and set down on the west side of University Ave between Richmond and Queen St. on an office window ledge, directly across from the Four Seasons Arts Centre and that is where we left him for another overnight.

Paul and Bruce stated that the flight looked good and was not pumping the wings to stay aloft.   After closing the watch for the night, I was informed that the little guy had been just under the motor court canopy at the south west end  the entire time and that would make sense of when I was seeing the adults run off the gulls yesterday.

Great job everyone, thanks.

The other three, Liberty, Osler and Sandy- Links continue to do a lot of flapping and screaming when the adults appear in view. Food went into the ledge this evening giving us good indication that they are there for the night.   White fluff is still noticeable on the girls, Osler is looking very ready to take flight.