
!!! Stormin is Missing

June 09, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

After a first flight yesterday afternoon at 4:20p.m. and ending up on the north facing Hilton. Stormin was indicated as missing early this morning.

Heavy thunder storms rolled through the Toronto Area last night and this may have cause Stormin to seek cover.  Last seen on the Hilton last night at 9:15pm.  An extensive search by Jan, Zoe and myself of all roof tops, ledges, and the Keg.  We’ll have to try again tomorrow.

The remaining siblings are very active on the ledge. Lots of flapping and running.  This evening I saw an adult run off a gull  in the area between the Fours Seasons Performing Arts Centre and the north side of the Hilton.  Although checked numerous times, I tried again. Back up to the higher elevations to take a look a the roof of Arts Centre and no luck.  I took this time to check on the others and all three were accounted for.

Back to street level. An adult did take off and headed due north and up towards the Court House and past. Hmmm, interesting, into the “others’ territory.

More searching of trees along University Ave and every glass balcony I could see. Still nothing.  Again, the adult was taking a run at a gull in the same area  at 8:30p.m.  Back up to the upper levels to check this out. Nothing again. This time when checking on the remaining juveniles, I could only see two. Nestled and snuggled for the night. The third could be in the pile, but was not clearly seen. I closed for the night at 9:15 p.m.