
Still Searching and Hoping for a Berl Sighting - Truss is On Her Way - Maple is Hanging Tight:

June 19, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Definitely a better day weather wise at the Lift Bridge, but unfortunately still no sign of Berl. 

When we arrived at 8:00am, we found that Truss had spent the night on the cable where we had left her last night.  A meal was eventually delivered to one of the picnic tables and Truss did a tight rope walk over to it.  After eating, she lay down flat and went sound to sleep for a couple of hours.  The last 48 hours must have been very trying for her.  At 2:30pm, she got up the nerve and flew to the next picnic table.  She seemed to be searching the storage caches for something that Mom and Dad may have left behind.   At 2:40pm, the bridge went up, and she took that opportunity to move to a picnic table on the lake side.  Then at 2:45pm, she took flight and landed on a ledge on the buffer housing, a very narrow ledge I might add, a little shakily, but she did make it, displacing Mom while she was at it.  A short time later, she got up her nerve and took flight to the roof of the Burlington Tower.  She walked the edge and then in the blink of an eye, with a leap of faith and a wing flutter landed back in the nest box where she happily greeted her sister Maple.  She was so happy to be home that she just flopped in the nest box.

Maple is hanging tight and doesn’t seem to want anything to do with flying.  I guess Truss must have told her what happens when you come to the ground.   Maple spent the afternoon, lazing around the nest box.  She seemed happy to enjoy the space all to herself. 

Around 6:00pm, Sir dropped off dinner to the next box and it was shared by both sisters.

When we left this evening around 9:00pm, both Truss and Maple were sitting on the edge of the box.  Hopefully they will stay put till morning.

The weather for tomorrow is not sounding very good, so it may be another very long, wet day.  Let’s hope the weather man is wrong. 

Maple Looking For Truss 1, 2, 3 Go Truss in the Air Together Again Truss Exhausted