
!!! Still in the area, flying lessons

June 22, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:
The juveniles appear to be doing well. This morning I saw one juvenile lying down on the north side of 120 Adelaide the shade having a snooze.
Later in the afternoon, back to the Sheraton to reset the web cam. Jan reported to me , that she had two juveniles and an adult flying over the south side of the Sheraton. By the time I had got to a south facing area, the juveniles were on the roof of 120 Adelaide with what appeared to be a small morsel of food.
One bird was I.identified as Osler. The other larger bird had to have been either Liberty or Sandy Links.  I would guess it was Liberty, as she is somewhat of a home body and enjoys her food. She had first dibs on the morsel brought in by the adult.
Observations and monitoring continue on a daily basis.
The juveniles will remain in the area and  return to the nest ledge on a daily basis. They are still dependant on the adults for hunting and food. As they learn more flight skills and how to hunt, the nest ledge is a refuge for the young ones.
Flight lessons from the adults are great to watch in the especially in the evenings when the air is slightly cooler. Lots of soaring and ‘tag” playing can be seen during this time of learning.